Meet the cuber!

Meet the Cubers!

Here you will find all of our ‘Meet the Cuber’ interview posts! They come out every now and again so stay tuned to learn more about the UK’s top cubers!

#2 Harry Savage

This week's entry is from one of the UK's best, you may have even seen him on the TV recently....

That's right it's Harry Savage!

How did you get into cubing?

First got into cubing at my grandparents' house in early 2013. It was a wet holiday to visit them, so to keep me entertained my parents dug out an old Rubik's cube that belonged to my aunt as a child. My mum taught me to do the first two layers, but couldn't remember the rest, so we looked it up on a website. Unbeknownst to us, the cube we had had a single corner twisted, so it was unsolvable, so we never succeeded. I found one in a cupboard at home after getting back, solved it with the instructions, and was hooked!

Describe your first competition...

My first competition was Cuthberts Open 2013. I was blown away by the number of cubers there, having never met another before. I made lots of friends quickly, and didn't even want to eat my lunch I was so busy having such a great time with them!

What do you enjoy most about cubing?

My favourite aspect is that although everybody is up against each other, all the competitors are also supporting one another. There aren't many other competitive hobbies like it!

What is your favourite event?

My favourite event is FMC. I love the problem-solving nature of it, and that speed isn't nearly as important as in speed-solving events.

What is your biggest cubing achievement?

My 17 move FMC single world record back in 2019. Never thought I'd ever get a world record at all, let alone at that competition.

What do you do outside of cubing?

I'm a 4th Year Biology Student!

What piece of advice would you give to newer cubers?

Get to a competition as soon as you can, no matter how fast you are. You will meet loads of people similar to you and be inspired to practice!

Last but not least, a fun fact?

I had to go to A&E as a child because I put a stone up my nose.

Thanks for answering Harry! I hope you all enjoyed learning about one of the UK's best (at cubing, not just putting stones up noses!)

Jason Harley